Healthserve Health Consultancy is a leading healthcare consultancy in the beautiful city of Dubai in UAE. which offers an array of services such as Healthcare Licensing | Exam Preparation Materials | Career Guidance | Healthcare Health Consultancy | Training and courses.
With the rapidly changing dynamics of healthcare today, medical practi...
Healthserve team was invited at BIUC (Britts Imperial University Colle...
We are thrilled to announce the successfully conducted "Infection Prev...
This was another successful day for the Healthserve team. The program ...
On this day, the Healthserve Consultancy team arranged an open-day pro...
Team Healthserve visited the Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences in Co...
International Nurses Day Celebration 2023Healthserve Health Consultanc...
If you are thinking about what the next move will be in your career, a...
Dubai is a modern, international city that enjoys some of the most bea...
Department of Health (DOH) examination is the new name of the licensin...
Graduate nurses and allied health professionals including nutritionist...
Doctors and dentists from countries in South America, East Europe, and...
Dubai: Health professionals and hospitals in the private sector that f...
Professionals, who leave Dubai and do not continue their work, will no...
Professionals will also be able to sponsor their families during the l...
Healthserve Management Services had successfully participated in the 1...
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) celebrated International WorkersDay 2...